We're Provide an easy shopping experience for customers
Helping grow your business


Who We Are?

BasketOver is an online buying and selling platform. We are a vibrant community based on convenience, trust, and empowerment. We are passionate about supporting small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals, helping them thrive in the digital world. From handcrafted crafts to modern appliances, every product tells a story.

BasketOver's journey began with a simple idea to create a seamless online marketplace where individuals and businesses can easily connect to buy and sell.

Transparency and integrity are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to foster an environment of mutual respect and fairness where every transaction is conducted with honesty and accountability. Your trust is our most valuable asset.

We believe in the power of connections that connect buyers to sellers, entrepreneurs to opportunities, and dreams to reality. Whether you're an experienced seller looking to expand your reach or a savvy shopper looking for that perfect find, BasketOver is here to make it happen.


Available Products


Seller's Community


Shipped Orders


Active Customer's

BasketOverPromise & Mission

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Our mission at BasketOver is to revolutionize the online shopping experience by providing a platform that fosters connection, empowerment, and opportunity. Our mission is for every common consumer to buy everything safely and securely without losing trust and money.

Through innovation, transparency, and integrity, we aim to create a trusted marketplace where every interaction is characterized by fairness, integrity, and accountability.

We are committed to supporting small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals, empowering them to reach their full potential and thrive in the digital economy.


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SECP Certificate 2024
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FBR Certificate 2024

Meet Our Leaders


Waseem Khalid

Founder & CEO


Khalid Mahmood



Umair Tahir

Markiting Head


Mehran Barket

Sale Manger